Saturday, March 26, 2016

Wednesday - Our last day at Chan Chen - Sweat & Tears

Our last day at Chan Chen was busy finishing up our healthy life camp and the cantina, and holding a fun party for the children, both small and large

Cynthia looking like a natural teacher.  That's Ms. Escalante (Vice Principal) in the background)

It's all hugs and smiles until you make the kids do pushups!  Lauren and Amanda taught the kids a 10 minute home workout which according to Lauren 'felt like forever'

Attendance increased each day

This wasn't part of camp or construction but it was great to see the playground we refurbished 3 years ago still maintained and attracting little ones.

Concurrent with the last day of our healthy life camp, the community health workers held a health fair where the Chan Chen community came for check ups and information

It's Party time


Water races

Cake walk

and pinatas

And our final touches to the cantina

Construction management can be exhausting as Carl and Kendall found out

Here's the finished cantina.  You can the portion on the right that we added.  It was twice the size that we built last year.  A tribute to our incredibly hard working team.  We were assisted by Alberto Triminius.  Over the past 4 years, Alberto has become our consultant, teacher, constructor, and friend.

Below are a serious of photos of Alberto's talents and teaching

Carl and Kendall learned tremendously from Alberto.  Alberto speaks very little english, Carl and Kendall no spanish, but they communicated, learned, and respected one another.

Alberto also gave the slack line a try (quite well) with hammer in hand

Carl, Alberto, and Kendall our construction team leads.  That's Ford in the cantina photo bombing.

Our relationship has grown stronger each of the past 4 years working at Chan Chen.  The elementary school is the nicest building in the village.  Carlos Itzab, seated center, is the principal of Chan Chen.  Carlos' leadership and commitment to Chan Chen elementary has led improvements to include a lunch feeding program (hence our cantina projects), computer room, internet, and other beautification projects.  

 Faces of Chan Chen

Future Boise State soccer players?

Happy & tearful goodbys

Finished Project

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