Tuesday 3.22.16
We continued our camp activities tuesday morning. The Chan Chen children made paper mache pinata's
Physical Education included a game of American Football. It was really more like random running, throwing, and tackling.
Literacy classes included writing pen pal letters to Washington Elementary students from Boise Idaho. Washington Elementary 4th graders wrote letters and were delivered by our BSU students
Sammie brought a slack line and it was a big hit. She headed up 'kidtainment' which occupied students when we were doing constructions.
The slack also occupied our students
Carl designed and 3-D printed a concrete stamp for the cantina floor and so tuesday's construction effort continues
We sided the cantina w/ pine boards then painted with Sea Foam Green to match Chan Chen's new coat of paint.
Department of Youth Services provides to great support
Relationships continue to build
After siding, a two layer screen was put up. The first layer is made of screen to keep fly's and other insects out of the cantina, the second layer is small galvanized medal mesh.
Ethan and Lauren rebuilt the cantina door which had fallen apart over the past year
Zinc roofing was placed on the cantina and removed at the end of the day when we didn't have time to attache it.
End of the day picture. Exhausted but still able to pose
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